Gynecomastia is when breast tissue in boys and men is too prominent.

Male breast reduction surgery (Gynaecomastia surgery) can address just the fat through liposculpture but can also be combined with removing excessive breast gland tissue.

What causes male breasts to occur?

The cause of prominent male breasts (sometimes called “man boobs”) is often unknown but may be related to excessive oestrogen, the use of certain medications, and simply ageing.

There are two types of tissues that can produce a protuberant breast or chest: fat, and glandular breast tissue. In general, glandular tissue is firmer compared to fat and may require excision to flatten the chest adequately. If the problematic tissue is fat, liposuction is preferred to achieve a flatter chest.

Further medical tests may be required to check if the underlying problem is hormonal and may require special treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Gynaecomastia?

There are two types of operation performed for this problem depending on the anatomical problem:

1. Excessive fat – if no firm, glandular tissue can be felt behind the nipples and the chest feels soft then most likely the problem is one of too much fat tissue. Liposculpture of the chest can improve the shape.

2. Excessive glandular tissue – firm tissue behind the nipples. A surgical procedure is required to remove the enlarged breast tissue.

In some men, both problems exist, and if this is the case can be addressed at the same operation.

Gynaecomastia is a medical condition that causes men to develop enlarged breasts. Gynaecomastia can be caused by genetics and hormones, but it’s usually the result of excess fat in the chest area. It’s a common condition, affecting more than half of all men at some point in their lives. One of the most common causes of Gynaecomastia is excessive body fat. If you have a lot of weight around your chest area, it can cause your breasts to enlarge. This is often referred to as male breast tissue enlargement.

If you’re experiencing Gynaecomastia symptoms, we can help you find the right treatment option for your needs. At The Doctor’s studio, we offer a full range of Gynaecomastia treatments including Gynaecomastia surgery or a Male Breast Reduction. Dr. David Topchian is a highly trained expert who has performed successful Gynaecomastia surgery for hundreds of men over the years.

Gynaecomastia surgery is the surgical procedure to correct enlarged male breasts. Gynaecomastia surgery usually involves liposuction, which removes excess fat, and breast reduction, which reduces the size of the glandular tissue. Male breast reduction surgery is designed to reduce the size of a man’s breasts so they are more proportionate to his body shape.

Why consider male breast reduction surgery?

Dr David Topchian has performed Gynaecomastia surgery for hundreds of men. He uses a Vaser ultrasound to help remove fat and glandular tissue. This is a small-scar technique with minimal downtime. Most men are back to work in three days.

This is an in-clinic procedure in our Melbourne practice. We offer an all-inclusive surgical and recovery package, which we will explain at our consultation.

How does a Gynaecomastia procedure work?

The excess breast fat is removed using a liposculpture technique under a general anaesthetic. A cannula is passed through small 3 mm incisions under the skin to extract fat under negative pressure.

For men with overgrowth of glandular tissue as the main problem, an incision is made at the lower half of the nipple, and the glandular tissue is removed. Sutures are used to close the incision, which generally heals well.

The Gynaecomastia procedure usually takes around an hour, and patients can go home after a period of observation.

What is the recovery time for Gynaecomastia surgery?

Most patients feel a little sore for two or three days and can usually return to work after immediately visible effective days.

A compressive garment is worn for four weeks to promote healing. If sutures are used, they are removed at the one week stage. Antibiotics are taken to reduce the chance of an infection.

Pain is manageable with simple medication. Patients are encouraged to commence gentle activity the day after their procedure and usually get back to normal exercise after three to four weeks.

Are there visible scars after Gynaecomastia surgery?

For most people, the scars are nearly invisible and cannot be seen after a few months of healing and remodelling of the tissues in the area.

Which male breast reduction operation is the best one for me?

There are two types of operation performed depending on the anatomical problem:

1. Excessive fat – if no firm, glandular tissue can be felt behind the nipples and the chest feels soft then most likely the problem is one of too much fat tissue. Liposculpture of the chest can improve the shape.

2. Excessive glandular tissue – firm tissue behind the nipples. A surgical procedure is required to remove the enlarged breast tissue.

In some men, both problems exist, and if this is the case can be addressed at the same operation.

How long does a male breast reduction last?

The results of male breast reduction are permanent however, if you lose or gain weight after surgery you may need additional surgery to maintain your new look.

Male breast reduction lasts as long as you keep up with your post-surgery skincare routine and exercises.

The best part about doing Gynaecomastia Surgery in Melbourne or Gynaecomastia Surgery in Brisbane is that you’ll see results immediately after surgery—and those results will only improve over time as your body continues to heal and adjust!

But remember that every individual is different and will recover at their own pace. It’s important to remember that, while you may see results immediately after your “Man boobs surgery”, it can take up to six months for the full effects of your procedure to be visible.

What results will I expect from a male breast reduction surgery?

Male breast reduction or also called Gynaecomastia surgery is a procedure that removes the excess breast tissue to give you a flatter chest, a more toned-up upper body line (a V line), less sagging skin around the neck area, and it can make a huge difference in how you feel about yourself! Many men feel more confident after undergoing this procedure, and they’re better able to achieve their fitness goals and maintain healthy bodies.

How much does Male Breast Reduction cost in Australia?

If you are considering a Male breast reduction, our prices for Gynaecomastia Surgery Melbourne, and Gynaecomastia Surgery Brisbane, start from $9230 AUD. Book a consultation and discuss your surgery with us today.